Nestled in the community of Jeddore-Oyster Ponds, on a small peninsula between Navy Pool and Jeddore Harbour, Fisherman’s Life Museum preserves the legacy of this province’s inshore fishing heritage by sharing treasured stories from one family’s past.
Unadorned and quaint, the house encapsulates the life that the Myers family led, illustrating both the hardships and charms that they encountered on a day-to-day basis. Step inside the small summer kitchen and be welcomed by the aroma of baking molasses cookies. Sit down with one of the costumed guides and learn how to make a hooked mat. Outside, visit the barn to see the chickens in their hen house or take a few moments to enjoy the property’s little kitchen garden.
Down the front steps, enjoy the picturesque view of Navy Pool from the property’s fish house and wharf. Surrounded by forest, the pool rises and falls with the tide that rushes through the passage from Jeddore Harbour while overhead, soaring eagles and kingfishers can be seen.